In the context of the implementation of the project of the Kyiv Academic University of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (KAU) “Development of the Virtual Center for Digital Science” on the target integrated research program of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “Grid Infrastructure and Grid Technologies for Scientific and Scientific Applications” during 2018-2019, the web-catalog of cloud services Virtual Center for Digital Science (VCDS) based on the Ukrainian National Grid Cloud Cluster was created.
This project was carried out by the KAU together with teams from four institutes: the Institute of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IM), the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IPMMS), the Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (IMBG), and the Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ITP). Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ITP).
KAU Innovation Center for the past three years has been developing open science and open innovation approaches to create an open innovation ecosystem, technology transfer and mutually beneficial contacts between science and the real economy.
In the context of the project “Development of electronic platform of open data for centers of collective use of devices of NAS of Ukraine” of the Program of informatization of NAS of Ukraine for 2020-2024 the KAU creates a prototype of an electronic platform of open data for centers of collective use of devices of NAS of Ukraine on the basis of a pilot web-platform DataverseUA, which became one of the first elements of the data infrastructure of NAS of Ukraine.
NOSC-UA Hub was created to support the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) National Initiative, based on a federation of digital object clouds based on the principle of co-participation of UNG resource centers in a common platform, will be formed as an e-infrastructure data based on existing e-infrastructure, grid, cloud technologies and interoperability at institutional, national, European and global levels.
The NOSC-UA Hub is designed to provide both general functions and localized services delegated at the community level, integrating existing resources in data centers compatible with European e-infrastructures.
Provision is based on local-centered subsidiarity (e.g., national and disciplinary nodes linked to pan-European nodes).
For ensuring scientific and scientific-organizational activities in the NAS of Ukraine in terms of implementation of cloud technologies and as part of the work on building a prototype of the National Open Science Cloud of Ukraine, as part of the European Open Science Cloud, in 2018 in the ITF built a modern cloud infrastructure under the OpenStack software system using 12 servers.
Nowadays, the total computing capacity of the ITF cloud cluster: 10 computing servers, 576 virtual processors, 2560 Gb of RAM, 200 Tb of disk memory.
Cloud cluster allows the efficient use of computing resources by implementing the “resource allocation on demand” model. Currently, the UA-BITP cloud site is the only cloud resource in Ukraine that meets all EGI requirements for availability and reliability, and is included in the EGI Federal Cloud resources.
In 2020 the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after M.M.Bogolyubov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (ITP), which was given a mandate by the Government of Ukraine ( Letter No. 1 / 11-6930 of 09.10.2020) to represent Ukraine in the EOSC Association has sent an application to participate in the EOSC Association. On October 21, 2020 ITF representative participated in the EOSC Symposium, where draft basic documents of EOSC in particular EOSC Association Statutes were presented.
On 17 December, 2020 at the EOSC General Assembly the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after M.M.Bogolyubov of NAS of Ukraine as the official representative of Ukraine was recognized as a full member of EOSC Association. EOSC Association has 142 members, including 21 members with a mandate from the country (including Ukraine) and 49 members in the observer status. Members of the EOSC Association are the leading European scientific organizations, resource centers, providers of grid and cloud services, actively participating in the implementation of the European Cloud of Open Science concept.
Goal of the project is to support and develop grid infrastructure in the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
- construction, according to EU standards, of service-oriented cloud infrastructure on the model of the United Cloud EGI, taking into account the peculiarities of building the European Open Science Cloud, the introduction of service-oriented model of resource allocation, provided by resource centers.
- developing “cloud” technologies and the creation of a unified “cloud” UNG. System integration into a unified European cloud for scientific and innovative research.
- creation of a flexible virtual research environment, with simplified access to UNG resources.
Development of Grid Services in the Grid Infrastructure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine:
Provides support for the development and implementation of virtual organizations, conduct intensive distributed research according to the monitoring of the UNG, appropriate platforms as services (cloud services), which on completion of the project should be included in the National Catalogue of services (cloud services) development and implementation of training courses in cloud technology and data science, based on cloud services, to train experts in data processing experiments and root data experts and data stewards on certain.
The project has a multi-purpose and interdisciplinary direction. It provides for the introduction of service-oriented approaches to the digitalization of science in the European cloud of open science.
Functional purpose:
Access to cloud services and training and research cloud platforms for research and innovation requiring the processing of large data sets, computation and modeling, application of data science methods. This project will enhance technological readiness, install and test cloud services, and explore their interoperability with EGI and EOSC services.
The infrastructure base for the Virtual Center of Digital Science is a cloud cluster of the Ukrainian National Grid and the educational and research platform ofthe KAU Data Science Research Center. Implementation of the main objectives of the project is focused on the development of cloud grid infrastructure UNG.