June 14 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am CEST
Data Spaces are becoming the key to achieve interoperable and trustworthy data sharing between organizations and users. In order to build such Data Space, a proper understanding of the roles and responsibilities that participants have, is required.
This webinar will give an introduction into the fundamentals of a Data Space, built with the FIWARE Data Space Connector. It will explain the differences between participating organizations in the example of a running Data Space and the required operations and framework behind the Data Space itself. Besides that, we will take a deeper look into the concrete participant and the components it uses to fulfill its various responsibilities, like authentication, authorization or data-flow control.
After the webinar, every participant should be able to locally install a Minimal Data Space and have an understanding of the essential building blocks used for it.
Registration is required. You will find the access information for the event in the registration confirmation email.