«I4Trust Datathon»

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On August 22, the participants of the I4Trust Data-Ideathon and representatives of the UKA clusters presented their experience of working with Digital Twins and ideas for data exchange experiments that provide additional value to data for both suppliers and users. 4 teams were selected to support experiments with data, the participants of which received:

  • consultations and advice from our experts in the process of preparing projects and conducting experiments with data
  • support in consortium building
  • support in preparation of application to I4Trust 2nd Call
  • opportunity to participate in i4Trust Virtual Networking Event on August 23,

On Thursday, September 29, at 1:30 p.m., the final event of the “I4Trust Datathon” will take place in an online format, where teams will receive additional advice on building the i4Trust Data Spaces architecture for data sharing in the value chain and present their data experiments.

Program of the event, Thursday, September 29 (Brussel time zone):
? 13.30 Presentation of i4Trust including the open call (Tonia Sapia, FIWARE Foundation, Senior Marketing and Project Manager)
? 13.50 consultations on i4Trust Data Spaces architecture (Dmytro Deinichenko, NOSC-UA DIH; Kyrylo Gorokhovskyi, 4irelabs; Vincent Demortier, DIH Faubourg Numérique)
? 14.10 -14.30 Team working
? 14.30 – 15.00 Presentations of I4Trust data-experiment architecture by teams. Feedback from experts.
? 15.10 Announced results in I4Trust Datathon

Organizers of the event: I4Trust, Virtual Center of Digital Innovation NOSC-UA DIH, 4irelabs and Ukrainian Cluster Alliance (UKA), DIH Faubourg Numérique

Participation in the event is free, join via the link

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